“AKA I’ve Got the Blues”
Written by Scott Reynolds and Liz Friedman Directed by Uta Briesewitz The Story We get flashbacks of the aftermath of the car accident that took Jessica’s parents and brother from her, when she was taken in by Mrs. Walker as a publicity stunt. We finally see exactly the kind of crap Mrs. Walker put Trish through (such as physical abuse and forced bulimia). Jessica discovered her strength when she was reacting to a shouting match between Trish and her mom. In the present, Jessica convinces the support group people that they need to lie about Hope’s death and why they were all there so that Jessica can keep going and kill Kilgrave. They aren’t happy about it, especially Robyn, but they do it. Jessica keeps putting off sleeping, which is very stupid and gets her run over by a car while she’s checking all the hospitals for signs of Kilgrave’s father, who she believes he would have killed by now. The only body she does find is that of Clemmons. Simpson is super keen to meet up with her, so that he can kill her. He shoots two of his old associates in the head right in front of Trish, then locks her in her own panic room. He heads for Jessica next. He considers her, like Clemmons, to be an obstacle to Kilgrave being put down. They fight. Since he’s all roided out from those drugs, he’s at least equal in strength to her, particularly when she has broken ribs. Trish arrives to help Jessica just in time, but she has to take one of the supersoldier pills too. She beats him, but then nearly dies from the side effects. The doctor who gave Simpson the pills retrieves him from Jessica’s apartment while they’re at the hospital, where Jessica gets texts from Kilgrave threatening Luke. She races to his bar, only to arrive just in time to see it explode. But Luke’s fine, what with his powers. Things I Liked
Things I Didn’t
The Characters Jessica has gotten it into her head that she’s responsible for everyone Kilgrave has been killing (it probably doesn’t help that that’s exactly what the support group accused her of as they dogpiled her last time), and so the result is her running herself so ragged she can’t even see the car about to hit her. Trish’s instincts about Simpson didn’t kick in for a while, but I’m glad she isn’t just letting him back in, because holy crap. And yeah, after seeing the flashbacks again, it totally makes sense that she would have such a ridiculous security system at her apartment, and why she would go for martial arts training over guns. I may have already said that in another review, but once again, my computer crashed and ate this one so I had to write it over again. *twitches* Dangit, Malcolm, why do you suddenly not care about Jessica anymore? Well, okay, I guess he has had to cover up two deaths now. He’s afraid he’s going to be the next one, just when he’s getting his life back together. Overall Rating 5/5
The Watcher's Diary
In this blog, I'll be reviewing, analyzing, and generally fangirling over excellent television. Exhibit A: the Whedonverse. Archives
March 2018